Happy New Year's! 2021


First,  let me start by saying good bye 2020!  Although 2020 had it's ups and downs and mostly downs for some, 2020 wasn't so horrible for me.  My family and I have spent more time together.  We went (safely) on trips to Florida, New Jersey, Ocean City Maryland, and many many beach days.  My husband and I got to go away for a few days over labor day weekend to spend some time in Disney.  We got to visit Epcot for a day without bored kids who got to spend some time with their grandparents.  In 2020, I learned how to be more patient.  Having my kids home for zoom learning every day has tested my patience and my nerves from time to time, but honestly,  I've loved having them home and away from any germs they could catch at school.  

I've also learned how to spend more time taking care of myself.  I've learned that it's okay to take time for myself.  It's okay to stop and smell the roses.  It's okay to have dreams and goals and even fantasies.  It's totally fine to figure out what it is that makes you truly happy.  This year, I have been the happiest I've been in a long long time.  

Looking forward to 2021, I hope Covid becomes a memory.  I hope those who are sick are healed. I hope people are kinder.  I hope there is more understanding and love in the world.  I hope we as  country can heal together and learn to love each other again. I hope love rules.  I hope more people remember to have faith in God.  I hope more people turn to God in prayer and ask him for help.  I hope more people remember they are not alone.  

If you are reading this,  I hope you can check off all of your resolutions this year.  I hope you stay healthy and safe and have a great New Year's!!  

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